BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> see my frekead up snake...

see my frekead up snake...
Post by steini1977 on May 4th, 2017, 5:07pm

      mode 21
        wait 1
        rem repeat
        rem keyb=inkey(0)
        rem until keyb<>-1
        colour 128+15:colour 0
        print tab(x,0);"@"
        colour 128+0:colour 15
        vdu 23,7,0,2,16;16;8;:rem scroll up 2, scroll down 3
        if x=0 then x=45
        if x>45 then x=45
      until false

Re: see my frekead up snake...
Post by michael on May 5th, 2017, 12:02am

Reminds me of the old racing games back in the 80s. You could use this method to make the race track.