BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> General Board >> BASIC on Radio 4 BASIC on Radio 4
Post by Richey on Apr 8th, 2015, 9:31pm
BBC Radio 4 in the UK are doing a series on 'Codes that Changed the World'.
Previous episodes have discussed different programming languages, including COBOL - today's episode was about BASIC.
BBC BASIC is discussed and Sophie Wilson interviewed.
Told mainly from the UK perspective it should nonetheless be interesting to forum members from outside the UK, if you are able to access the programme. It is also available as a podcast :
Supposedly, but why was the Raspberry Pi mentioned? It doesn't come with any variety of BASIC (discounting the RISC OS version). And then there was the section about GOTO set against a discussion of BBC BASIC, which was quite specifically designed to make GOTO unnecessary!
Altogether a rather peculiar and disjointed programme.