BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> User Interface >> PROC_groupbox: line thickness PROC_groupbox: line thickness
Post by g3nrw on Apr 27th, 2014, 11:33am
Richard (or anyone else).
Using PROC_groupbox, I am building a GUI with several boxes that encompass groups of related controls. This is fine, but the box outlines are very faint, to the point that they are not really helpful.
How can I increase the line thickness -- a style definition, perhaps -- to make the box outlines stand out?
-- Ian
Re: PROC_groupbox: line thickness
Post by rtr on Apr 27th, 2014, 5:44pm
Response withdrawn after complaints were received by email about its 'tone'. I will not be making any further comments on this thread. Re: PROC_groupbox: line thickness
Post by g3nrw on Apr 27th, 2014, 8:19pm
Hmmm. I obviously didn't express my question clearly enough. I asked a simple technical question: how do I change the line thickness (if this is do-able)? I was not intending to enter into a philosophical or religious discussion.