BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> Colour of brush at startup

Colour of brush at startup
Post by JB91 on Nov 17th, 2010, 7:18pm

I am creating a drawing program, but I want the colour of the brush to be the same when you go on it again. I have created this (part of it):

      DIM cc{lStructSize%, hwndOwner%, hInstance%, \
      \      rgb{r&,g&,b&,z&}, lpCustColors%, flags%, \
      \      lCustData%, lpfnHook%, lpTemplateName%}
      DIM cb%(15)
      cc.lStructSize% = DIM(cc{})
      cc.hwndOwner% = @hwnd%
      cc.lpCustColors% = ^cb%(0)
      brushcol% = VAL(FNgetinistring(@dir$+"Drawing Settings.INI", "startup", "brushcol"))
      GCOL brushcol%
      ON MOUSE PROCmouse(@wparam%):RETURN
        MOUSE X%, Y%, B%
        IF (B% AND 4) THEN
          COLOUR 0, cc.rgb.r&, cc.rgb.g&, cc.rgb.b&
          IF Ok% DRAW X%, Y% : Ch% = TRUE
          Ok% = FALSE
          MOVE X%, Y%
      DEF PROCmouse(M%)
      IF M% = 1 Ok% = TRUE
      IF M% = 2 PROCsetcol
      DEF PROCsetcol
      SYS "ChooseColor", cc{} TO brushcol%
      IF brushcol% COLOUR 1, cc.rgb.r&, cc.rgb.g&, cc.rgb.b&
      PROCputinistring(@dir$+"Bryantdraw Settings.INI", "startup", "brushcol", STR$(brushcol%))
      GCOL brushcol%
      DEF FNgetinistring(file$, section$, key$)
      LOCAL buf%
      DIM buf% LOCAL 255
      SYS "GetPrivateProfileString", section$, key$, "", buf%, 256, file$
      = $$buf%
      DEF PROCputinistring(file$, section$, key$, info$)
      LOCAL res%
      SYS "WritePrivateProfileString", section$, key$, info$, file$ TO res%
      IF res% = 0 ERROR 100, "Couldn't write to file "+file$

The brush colour does not seem to change in PROCsetcol.

Re: Colour of brush at startup
Post by admin on Nov 17th, 2010, 9:39pm

on Nov 17th, 2010, 7:18pm, JB91 wrote:
The brush colour does not seem to change in PROCsetcol.

You don't actually store the colour in the INI file! All you store is the value of brushcol% which is a Boolean returned from ChooseColor, i.e. it will be 0 (if the user clicked Cancel) or 1 (if the user clicked OK). I suggest you change the name of the variable from brushcol% to something like colok% because that will emphasise what the variable actually does.

To save/restore the colour you will need to store the values of cc.rgb.r& (red), cc.rgb.g& (green) and cc.rgb.b& (blue) in the INI file. You can combine them into one RGB value for convenience, or you can even store the entire cc{} structure in the file using WritePrivateProfileStruct.

Incidentally, don't put your INI file in @dir$ (typically that directory is writable only by an administrator so isn't a suitable place to hold 'user data'). Instead put it in @usr$ or (even better) use FNspecialfolder(26) to get the path to the Application Data folder and store it there.
